Announcing Web3j Eth2 Beacon Node API Client
Following the recent launch of the Ethereum 2.0 Beacon Chain, Web3 Labs are very excited to announce our first contribution to the Eth2 ecosystem: the Web3j Beacon Node API client. This client is a thin library that will allow you to interact fluently with the new Eth2 nodes using the methods available in the Eth2.0-API specification, including event subscriptions. As a Web3j library we’ve kept everything as simple as possible for users to get them on their way quickly.
This client is a thin library that will allow you to interact fluently with the new Eth2 nodes using the methods available in the Eth2.0-API specification, including event subscriptions. As a Web3j library we’ve kept everything as simple as possible for users to get them on their way quickly. In this article we will guide you through the few steps required to get your application interacting with any Eth2 Beacon Chain Node.
Getting started
First, you’ll need to add the library to your project, either using Maven:
or Gradle:
implementation 'org.web3j.eth2:beacon-node-api:1.0.0'
At the moment of writing this article, the first released version 1.0.0 corresponds to the Eth2 specification v0.12.2. Check the project releases page for the last available version. Once you have added the library to your project, you can create a client instance pointing to a particular Beacon Chain node in a familiar Web3j-esque way:
var service = new BeaconNodeService(“http://...”);
var client =;
And that’s it! At this point, you can start calling the node endpoints, for instance to retrieve the head block:
Or to retrieve all current attester slashings:
If you don’t know a Beacon Chain node where you can point your client code, in the next section we’ll guide you through a few simple steps to get a test network up and running.
Start a test network
In this section we’ll be using the Teku Beacon Chain implementation to start a local test network where to point your client code (before this, make sure you are running a Docker environment). First, clone the Teku project in a local folder:
$ git clone
Then start the Beacon Chain local network (check the Teku docs for more information on the Docker Testnet):
$ teku/test-network/
Recreating test-network_teku1_1 ... done
Starting test-network_prometheus_1 ... done
Starting test-network_node-exporter_1 ... done
Recreating test-network_teku4_1 ... done
Recreating test-network_teku2_1 ... done
Recreating test-network_teku3_1 ... done
Starting test-network_grafana_1 ... done
You’ll get a bunch of logs, but once your network has completely started you’ll be able to point to any of the four nodes at ports 19601, 19602, 19603 and 19604.
Listen for events
Let’s create a client and listen to some events happening in the test network:
var service = new BeaconNodeService("http://localhost:19601/");
var client =;
// We want to receive at least one event
var latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
// At the moment we are interested in any topic
var topics = EnumSet.allOf(BeaconEventType.class);
// Then subscribe to each event
client.getEvents().onEvent(topics, event -> {
System.out.println("Received event: " + event);
// Wait for the event
When running this code, you should be able to see some logs showing the interaction between your client and the local node:
00:15:47.744 [jersey-client-async-executor-0] DEBUG org.web3j.eth2.api.BeaconNodeService - 2 * Sending client request on thread jersey-client-async-executor-0
2 > GET http://localhost:19601/eth/v1/events?topics=head%2Cblock%2Cattestation%2Cvoluntary_exit%2Cfinalized_checkpoint%2Cchain_reorg
2 > Accept: text/event-stream
00:15:51.420 [jersey-client-async-executor-0] DEBUG org.web3j.eth2.api.BeaconNodeService - 2 * Client response received on thread jersey-client-async-executor-0
2 < 200
2 < Cache-Control: no-cache
2 < Connection: close
2 < Content-Type: text/event-stream;charset=utf-8
2 < Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2020 23:15:47 GMT
2 < Server: Javalin
event: head
data: {"slot":"33207","block":"0x1829e81553bb76ed92a7ae2d671e018b219b7eeee0cea80fac12b2a7d6924826","state":"0xe7339bff5fbb2a30f039a900532cb936e6afbd40ef1fd41cb645687659d8833a","epoch_transition":false,"previous_duty_dependent_root":"0xd34981d5ab59d4d091992099cedea95236dfcc2252f55f53e282ee847fb426e8","current_duty_dependent_root":"0x626db3e484c19fa8f0c57ca6c390bfa8a61313564d61f4c68764239a4e0c966e"}
As you can see, when running this example the first event we received was a head event. This happens after a validator committee attests for a head block at every slot (typically every few seconds). You can easily modify the above example to work with other topics such as epoch finality checkpoints, validator attestations or new blocks by specifying different sets of Beacon event types.
You’re now well on your way for exploring Eth2 data! We’d love to hear how you find the library and what you’re building with it. Feel free to jump onto Discord to chat to us about it and check out the project docs at
As the Eth2 landscape evolves we will be continuing to support it via Web3j at Web3 Labs. We hope that you’re excited as we are about the network launch and look forward to seeing more great features emerge in the future!