Chainlens News and Updates

Mobile blockchain explorer for Quorum and Ethereum

Written by Conor Svensson | Jul 3, 2019 1:29:00 PM
Although our Chainlens blockchain explorer for Quorum and Ethereum is primarily intended for running on a desktop machine or laptop, we’ve always wanted to ensure it offers a great user experience on mobile too.
We released the mobile support a while back, but had wanted to do a dedicated post to take you through all of the great features it offers.
How do you ensure the same awesome experience on mobile?
The mobile experience makes available all of the core functionality of the explorer such as the token, contract, address, transaction and block views along with all of the filtering and searching functionality.




Clicking on a contract takes you to the contract details.

Filtering and sorting

This allows you to sort for instance by the most active ERC20 contracts.


Where we can view individual token details.




Clicking on a transaction provides the transaction details.


Again, clicking on a block provides the block details with associated transactions.


We’ll be taking you through some of the other great features in Chainlens over the coming weeks. In the meantime please   sign up  to our email list to hear first about the great new features and checkout Chainlens on Azure!