At Chainlens, our recent efforts have been focused on making a more user-centric blockchain explorer. Instead of bombarding users with intricate block and transaction data, our commitment is to present information that truly matters to them.
As part of this work, we've rolled out a new more intuitive user experience. We've also incorporated some neat icons into our account views for users.
These icons are referred to as Ethereum identicons, unique visual representations of Ethereum addresses. We made use of the blo library by Pierre Bertet's in Chainlens.
Blo comes with a very low footprint making it super fast at generating the identicons, ensuring minimal impact to Chainlens users.
With Ethereum identicons now live, whenever you look at account addresses in Chainlens, they are accompanied by icons providing another visual aid to differentiate addresses.
You’ll find identicons accompanying account addresses at any place they are displayed in Chainlens, including on token transfer pages and the new accounts view.
In addition to the aesthetically pleasing updates, our new Accounts view has also been designed to help users effortlessly locate the digital assets that matter most to them in Chainlens — those associated with their own accounts and assets.
At Chainlens, we prioritize the user and asset-centric approach, striving to enhance user experience without compromising performance. This update is just a glimpse of the many exciting enhancements we have in store over the coming months.
For a firsthand look at these improvements in action, we invite you to explore the Holesky Ethereum testnet instance.
If you’d like to talk Chainlens with any of the team, please join our Telegram group.