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The Web3 Labs Blog: Solidity

    Hyperledger Web3j: Truly decode support for dynamic Solidity structs

    In Solidity, dynamic structs are complex data types that can store multiple elements of varying...

    Solidity Smart Contracts: Gas Optimization Techniques

    Last month, I published an article highlighting how developers can significantly reduce gas costs...

    Optimizing Gas in Solidity Smart Contracts: Choosing the Right Storage

    In recent years, Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) networks have gained significant traction. Every...

    Upgradable Smart Contracts: Ensuring Flexibility in Blockchain Applications

    What are Upgradable Smart Contracts? Upgrading smart contracts refers to the ability to modify or...

    How to compile smart contracts against different EVM versions using Web3j

    What is web3j-solidity-gradle plugin? Web3j-solidity-gradle-plugin is a handy tool and extension of...