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Conor Svensson

Web3 Labs founder, web3j author, Enterprise Ethereum Standards Chair

    The Thriving Communities of Web2

    What Web2 Gets Right There's a lot of emphasis in Web3 on decentralization, and moving on from the...

    Copypasta and Web3

    A copypasta is a block of text that is copied and pasted across the internet by individuals through...

    The Search Engines of Web3

    What is the most crucial piece of Web3 infrastructure apart from the network nodes? I would argue...

    Evolving Architectures

    The evolution of the web has had a lot of airtime with all of the discussions around Web3. However,...

    Ultra Sound Money

    Among proponents of Bitcoin, one of the widely endorsed narratives is that of Bitcoin or digital...

    The Leading Web3 Platform: Ethereum vs. Alt-Layer 1 Platforms

    What does it take to become the defacto Web3 blockchain platform? Historically Ethereum has held...

    Digital Asset Management

    People have digital assets spread between cold wallets, hot wallets or apps, cryptocurrency...

    The Real DAO Opportunity

    As a founder and business owner, there are a number of places where I believe Web3 will bring new...

    Web4: Will Web3 Be a Core Tenet of Web4?

    It's going to take time for some of the key infrastructure provided by Web3 to become core tenants...

    Trust as a Service: Core Benefit of Web3

    Trust. If you distil the benefit of Web3 down to a single word, this is its essence. Why trust, and...

    Decentralization of Blockchain Protocols

    The topic of decentralization of Web3 networks such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Solana is the subject...

    Web3 and Decentralization

    Decentralization: the transfer of control of an activity or organization to several local offices...