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Nischal Sharma

Web3j Developer and Hyperledger Besu mentor

    Account Abstraction in Ethereum: Part 1

    What is Account Abstraction? Account abstraction is an innovative concept in blockchain that seeks...

    Hyperledger Web3j Annual Report 2023-24

    Over the past year, Web3j has continued its journey of growth and evolution. This report highlights...

    What are Verkle Trees in Ethereum?

    Paving the Way for Stateless Ethereum Clients Ethereum, one of the leading blockchain platforms,...

    Upgradable Smart Contracts: Ensuring Flexibility in Blockchain Applications

    What are Upgradable Smart Contracts? Upgrading smart contracts refers to the ability to modify or...

    Boost Dev Efficiency & Security with Web3j's Gradle 8.7 Upgrade

    We are excited to announce that all Web3j repositories have been upgraded to the latest Gradle...

    How to compile smart contracts against different EVM versions using Web3j

    What is web3j-solidity-gradle plugin? Web3j-solidity-gradle-plugin is a handy tool and extension of...

    How to Backup and Restore Private Blockchains Using Hyperledger Besu

    In the evolving landscape of blockchain technology, maintaining the robustness and reliability of...

    EIP-4844 Blob Transactions Support in Web3j

    In an exciting development for the Ethereum and blockchain developer community, Web3j has become...

    Join us on our Hyperledger Besu Performance Mentorship Program

    The Linux Foundation's Hyperledger mentor program is an initiative aimed at fostering the...

    A comparison of Ethereum clients

    Ethereum has a diverse ecosystem of clients that run on the network. An Ethereum client represents...