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The Web3 Labs Blog: Ethereum

    Where Web3 is Broken and How to Fix It

    One of the goals at the heart of web3 has always been to create a decentralised internet, which is...

    Why Hyperledger Besu is the Future of Blockchain in Enterprise

    The web3 landscape is continuing to evolve, especially with respect to the choices being presented...

    The Tipping Point: Ethereum's Battle for Blockchain Supremacy

    The Ethereum network was the first blockchain network designed primarily to be a platform for...

    Join us on our Hyperledger Besu Performance Mentorship Program

    The Linux Foundation's Hyperledger mentor program is an initiative aimed at fostering the...

    Unraveling the Progress and Potential of Ethereum's Layer 2 Networks

    The “scaling wars” of Ethereum have been heating up this past few months, and we're now at the...

    A comparison of Ethereum clients

    Ethereum has a diverse ecosystem of clients that run on the network. An Ethereum client represents...

    Unlocking Ethereum's Future: Staking going mainstream on Ethereum

    The Shanghai upgrade taking place on Ethereum tomorrow, 12th April 2023. This upgrade will mark the...

    EthDenver 2023

    There's never a dull moment in web3. Compared with other established industries such as tech or...

    The Merge: Ethereum upgrades rom PoW to PoS

    The Ethereum network’s Merge is almost upon us. After many years of hard work by the Ethereum...

    Ultra Sound Money

    Among proponents of Bitcoin, one of the widely endorsed narratives is that of Bitcoin or digital...

    The Leading Web3 Platform: Ethereum vs. Alt-Layer 1 Platforms

    What does it take to become the defacto Web3 blockchain platform? Historically Ethereum has held...

    Scaling the Ethereum Network: A Primer on Layer 2

    One of the most common criticisms against blockchain, and Ethereum in particular, is their...