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Web3 Development

Discover Web3 and blockchain developer articles on Web3j, EVM, Solidity, and Ethereum. Stay updated with the latest trends and insights.

    Web3j Community Update

    We’ve spent a good chunk of 2020 with our heads down continually investing in Web3j to improve the...

    Announcing Web3j Eth2 Beacon Node API Client

    Following the recent launch of the Ethereum 2.0 Beacon Chain, Web3 Labs are very excited to...

    Solidity Dependency Management comes to Web3j

    At Web3 Labs, one of our core missions is making Ethereum development more accessible to the Java...

    Web3j - OpenAPI

    One of our goals at Web3 Labs is to make development on Ethereum as simple as possible. During the...

    Connecting your Java Application to the Ethereum Blockchain

    As a Java developer, it can be a pain to build a system that interacts with Ethereum smart...

    ABIv2 comes to Web3j

    We’ve just released a major milestone for Web3j - support for the Solidity ABIv2 specification! In...

    A Solidity Version Manager using Sokt

    In my last blog post , I discussed the issues presented by having to switch between different...

    Viewing other nodes on a network

    We tend to take for granted that blockchain networks are just there, but have you ever thought...

    Making manual Solidity version management a thing of the past

    When you’re a blockchain developer, managing Solidity installations sucks. It shouldn’t have to be...

    How to create a CorDapp in 3 steps

    When you embark on writing your first CorDapp, it is a significant undertaking for the first time...

    Debugging Solidity Smart Contracts

    In my previous post, we looked at the web3j-unit and web3j-evm libraries. These are tools that help...

    Web3j Ethereum Foundation Grant Update

    Back at Devcon V, we were delighted to announce that Web3 Labs was awarded a grant for Web3j by the...